We are committed to a strong governance framework which helps to support our business operations and mitigate risk.
The Board of Syncona Limited is responsible for promoting the long-term sustainable success of the Company, generating value for shareholders and contributing to wider society. It recognises the importance of focusing on sustainability issues as a business and social imperative, whilst also understanding that this is a key priority for our stakeholders. The Board has ultimate oversight and accountability for sustainability at Syncona, and is supported by the Audit Committee, which has responsibility for the oversight of risks and associated frameworks to manage and mitigate such risks, including those relating to sustainability.
The Syncona team implements strategy on a day-to-day basis, with this extending to the implementation of the Sustainability Policy and Responsible Investment Policy. Sustainability training and guidance is provided to all members of the Syncona team. It is their responsibility to support portfolio companies to achieve the goals set out in Syncona’s Responsible Investment Policy, and to monitor, report and manage sustainability risks and opportunities across both Syncona and the portfolio.
Sustainability responsibility and accountability is taken into account in performance reviews for the Syncona team, which informs decisions on remuneration. It also forms part of the overall corporate goals for the Company for the year.
Our governance framework is supported by committees with responsibility for the oversight of sustainability activities. In particular, the Sustainability Committee is responsible for overseeing progress against Syncona’s Sustainability Policy. The Sustainability Committee includes representatives from across the business, including finance, IR, legal, HR, and the investment team.
We aim to have a robust set of policies, internal controls and management processes covering all of the areas for our business to operate responsibly and ethically. You can find further details of key policies in our Sustainability Report.
We believe it is important to seek to minimise our environmental impact, in line with best practices. For more information read our Climate Ambition Statement. We have also underlined our commitment to a strong environmental reporting framework by reporting against the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Relate Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Our disclosure can be found within our Annual Report and Accounts.